III.edition of Autonomous Vehicles Summit (hybrid format) will be held in Autumn 2024

After discussions with our partners we agreed , that our event shall be postponed to automn time.
We will inform you the new date of this event soon
Po diskusii s našimi partnermi sme sa dohodli, že naše podujatie sa presunie na jesenný čas.
O novom termíne tohto nášho podujatia vás budeme čoskoro informovať
Also in III. edition opf AVS summit going to continue to present excellent high level speakers in autonomous mobility inovation and experiences, but focusing to ADAS

Biggest Autonomous

Vehicles Event in the CEE

Good news: Its so easy to visit coming future. Welcome to attend upcoming summit of Autonomous Vehicles Summit Project. Looking forward to meet you all on third edition
of AVS in 2024

III. edition of Autonomous Vehicles Event is prepaired for Winter time 2022

This event will be focused on main conditions for flexible implementation of autonom vehicles to towns and with task
to opimize traffic in cities and reach reducing of number of cars in cities . We will concentrated on creation of partnerships
of relevant bodies in context international cooperation that can be contribution to achieving of European land
autonomous vehicles network

Call for speakers

Those, who could not attend the exclusive autonomous vehicle summit 2021 due to time constraints,
would have opportunity to order video presentations by a selected Panel of summit speeches and discussions,
or to order full panel presentations.

Remarks: To order full panel presentations II. edition of event in 2021 or Panel presentations of the summit
under extremely advantageous conditions we will prepair possibility to order soon

Why attend Summit

Autonomous vehicles are reality

Summit invites innovators to wide spectrum of automotonomous vehicles industries . Those, who cannot innovate and use adequate partnership will fall

Visit Autonomous Vehicles Summit Slovakia to discover that Autonomous cars and all AVs vehicles could redefine our society

Opportunity to meet top Slovakian and world speakers within interractive panel discussions on summit

Visit Autonomous Vehicles Summit to know in reality latest innovation specialists results

Autonomous driving going to change everything...

B2match networking

1 DAY 8,00 – 18,00 CET - 8+ panel round tables sessions - Limit 150 participants


FORMAT OF THE SUMMIT: International 1-day conference (live/hybrid)

DAY 1 of the summit

Thursday , 09.12.2021

08,00 a.m. - 09,00 a.m.Registration of a participants to AVs summit

09,00 a.m. - 09,15 a.m.Opening ceremony of Summit


Doc. RNDr. Ladislav Miko, Ph.D., Head of the EU Commission's Representation in Slovakia

Kick-off speaches of Day 1

Peter Varga, MBA, MSc., Director General, Section of road traffic and roads, Ministry of Transport of Slovakia

Ing. Pavel Élesztős, PhD.

09,15 a.m.- 09,25 a.mIntroduction: PANEL motivation speeches

The way to autonomy
Ing. Peter Ťapák, PhD., senior researcher STUBA Bratislava (Slovakia)

09,25 a.m.- 10,25 a.mPANEL Main challenges of AVs development


Main challenges AI AVs development
Dr. Augie Widyotriatmo, Instrumentation and Control Research Group, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia)

Artificial Consciousness versus Artificial Awareness, Race is not over!
Faramarz Oweissi, Independent individual, Technical Author, Visionary about IoT2.0, Shanghai (China)

Baidu Apollo’s practical experience of Robotaxi services in Chinese Cities
KEYNOTE Yingzhao LI, Baidu Autonomous Driving Operation Management Project Manager (China)
*** This speech belongs partly to thema of Panel PANEL Autonom Mobility in towns, but due to Beijing time zone we have to put to Panel Main challenges of AVs development

10,25 a.m.- 10,40 a.mPANEL DISCUSSION Main challenges of AVs development

Moderator: Faramarz Oweissi, Independent individual, Technical Author, Visionary about IoT2.0; Shanghai, (China)

10,40 a.m. - 10,55 a.m. Coffee break /B2matching /SLIDO rooms communictions with culture minutes (music)

10,55 a.m. - 11,45 a.m.PANEL Autonomous cars simulation, testing and trials


Autonomous cars simulation
Ing. Pavel Élesztős, PhD., TEN SLOVAKIA

Connected Transport testing on the private, hyper dense small cell networks
Peter Stoker, Chief Engineer - Connected & Autonomous Vehicle, UTAC, Millbrook (UK)

Improved hazard detection through training and testing on dRISK edge case scenarios
Chess Stetson, CEO and Founder dRisk, London (UK)

Kiran Jesudasan, Transport Systems Specialist, dRisk, London (UK)

11,45 a.m. - 12,00 p.m.PANEL DISCUSSION Autonomous cars simulation, testing, trials

12,00 p.m. - 12,30 p.m.PANEL 5G for AVs Safety


Driving Automotive Future with Cellular-V2X Technology
KEYNOTE Jakub Borkowski, Business development director CEE&Nordic Huawei Technologies (China/Poland)

12,30 p.m.- 12,45 p.m.PANEL DISCUSSION 5G for AVs Safety

Moderator: Jakub Borkowski, Business development director CEE&Nordic

12,45 p.m. - 01,30 p.m.LUNCH BREAK

01,30 p.m. - 02,45 p.m.PANEL Autonom Mobility in towns


Smart vehicles need smart cities /Intelligent space for ‘ubiquitous’ cars
Dr. Ing. Ján Vaščák, Department of Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence Technical University of Košice (Slovakia)

Towards to on-demand based AV shuttle integration into the public transport in smart city context
KEYNOTE / Raivo Sell, Prof. of Robotics, Program Manager of Product Development & Robotics, Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) (Estonia)

Autonomous vehicles for last mile and on demand deliveries
Berry Leung, Teksbotics (Hong Kong)

Transport network brownfields
Mgr. art. Martin Uhrík PhD., Studio Data[LAB], Institute of Ecological and Experimental Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Design STU in Bratislava (Slovakia)

02,45 p.m. - 03,00 p.m.PANEL DISCUSSION Autonom Mobility in towns

03,00 p.m. - 03,15 p.m.PANEL Coffee break /B2Bmatching /SLIDO rooms communictions with culture minutes (music)

03,15 p.m. - 04,00 p.m.PANEL AVs Rules & Legislation / Legislation on unmanned vehicles to go ahead in adoption of AVs


Legislation challenges by AVs adoption
Mgr. Ivan Kisely, Senior Associate, Corporate and regulatory specialist, Bird & Bird s.r.o., Bratislava (Slovakia)

Regulations of AI in autonomous vehicles
Ivana Budinská, II SAS Bratislava (Slovakia)

Traffic signs and traffic equipment from the view of an autonomous vehicle
Jozef Drahovský, traffic analyst and IT specialist

04,00 p.m. - 04,15 p.m. PANEL DISCUSSION AVs Rules & Legislation / Legislation on unmanned vehicles to go ahead in adoption of AVs

04,15 p.m. - 05,25 p.m.PANEL AVS more applications: autonom drons, trains, trams



Test of driverless train in Czech Republic as a next major step towards development of fully interoperable GoA4 Automatic Train Operation System
Peter Gurník, Ing., Train Control and railway Signalling equipment supplier, AŽD Praha s.r.o. (Czech republic)


Coordinated groups of UAVs for various applications
Ivana Budinská, II SAS Bratislava (Slovakia)

Industrial drones and their practical application
František Kudlačák, KudAtech s.r.o. (Slovakia)

Specifics and applications of autonomous drones
Lukáš Palkovič, CEO Airvolute, Trnava (Slovakia)

Autonomous vehicles in agriculture AVS in agriculture (Part I)
doc. Ing. Vladimír Cviklovič, PhD., Department of Electrical Engineering, Automation and Informatics, Faculty of Engineering, Slovak University of Agriculture. Research and development of autnomous mobile robots in agriculture (Slovakia)

AVS in agriculture Part II : Vision control of autonomous mobile robot in orchards
Ing. Ladislav Tóth, PhD., Department of Electrical Engineering, Automation and Informatics, Faculty of Engineering, Slovak University of Agriculture (Slovakia)

05,25 p.m. - 06,00 p.m.PANEL DISCUSSION AVs more applications: autonom drons, trains, trams

06,00 p.m.CULTURE POINT (Concert)

06,00 p.m.DAY 1 conclusion

DAY 2 of the summit

Friday , 10.12.2021

08,30 a.m. - 09,00 a.m.Registration of participants to AVs summit

09,00 a.m. - 09,20 a.m.Opening ceremony of Day 2 of summit

Kick-off speaches of Day 2

Mgr. Martin Venhart, PhD., Vice chairman of Academy of Science of Slovakia

Ing. Pavel Élesztős, PhD.

09,20 a.m. - 10,00 a.m.PANEL Autonomous Automotive related latest Innovations


Wireless charging technology for Autonomous vehicles
Julia Langen, Entwicklungsingenieurin bei INTIS Integrated Infrastructure Solutions GmbH (Germany)

Comfort-oriented driving for the autonomous vehicles
KEYNOTE / Basargan Hakan, Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering, Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary)

Virtual prototyping of electromagnetic systems for AVs
Michal Mašek, MECAS ESI, Technical consutant (Czech republic)

Advanced sources of electrical and thermal energy for autonomous mobile vehicles
prof. Ing. Viktor Ferencey, PhD., (authors Stančík, M., Barát M., Vlnka, J., Ferencey, V.) (Slovakia)

10,00 a.m. - 10,15 a.m.PANEL DISCUSSION Autonomous Automotive related latest Innovations

10,15 a.m. - 10,30 p.m.Cofee break with culture (music minutes)

10,30 a.m. - 11,00 a.m.PANEL Autonom mobility region Bratislava (platform) - role, tasks and participants


Autonomous vehicles in the public space of Bratislava? (Impact of Adoption of AVs on Urban public space in Specific Conditions of Bratislava)

Part I.
Ing. arch. Tomáš Hanáček, PhD., Institute of Urban Design and Planning / Faculty of Architecture and Design / Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (Slovakia)

Part II.
Ing. arch. Vladimír Hain, PhD., Institute of Structures in Architecture and Engineering Buildings / Faculty of Architecture and Design/ Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (Slovakia)

Part III.
Ing. arch. Katarína Fejo, PhD., Institute of Urban Design and Planning / Faculty of Architecture and Design / Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (Slovakia)

Autonomous rail transport as one of the options for the mobility solution in Bratislava region
Ing. arch. Zuzana Ladzianska, PhD.Department of Spatial Planning / Institute of Management / Slovak University of Technology (Slovakia)

11,00 a.m. - 11,15 a.m.PANEL DISCUSSION Autonom mobility region Bratislava platform

Moderator: Ing. arch. Tomáš Hanáček, PhD., Institute of Structures in Architecture and Engineering Buildings

11,15 a.m. - 12,15 p.m.PANEL Autonomous Vehicles Impact


Socio-Economic Impact of Autonomous Vehicles
Eshan M. Herath, Chief engineer, Veritas Autonomous (Pvt.) Ltd., Colombo (Sri Lanka)

Autonomous vehicles and silver economy (download)
RNDr. Viliam Pálenik, PhD., h.doc. et al. , Institute of Economic Research, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava (Slovakia)

12,15 p.m. - 12,30 p.m.PANEL DISCUSSION Autonomous Vehicles Impact

Moderator: Eshan M. Herath, Chief engineer, Veritas Autonomous (Pvt.) Ltd., Colombo (Sri Lanka)

12,30 p.m. - 01,30 p.m.LUNCH BREAK

01,30 p.m. - 02,30 p.m.PANEL Mobility in towns - best experiences


Deploying autonomous vehicles on the ground and in the air across Scandinavia - 3 years of practical experience at Holo
KEYNOTE / Christian Bering Pedersen, CEO of Holo (Denmark)

AVs as part of public transport network in Europe
Lars Gunnar Lundestad, Program manager - Ruter Autonomous Vehicles Program (Ruter Oslo) (Norway)

02,30 p.m. - 03,00 p.m.PANEL DISCUSSION Mobility in towns - best experiences

03,00 p.m. - 03,15 p.m.Coffee break /AVs matching with culture minutes (music)

03,15 p.m. - 05,00 p.m.PANEL Support of Avs development by EU and Slovakia


Slovakian policy for support of AVs technology research, development, innovations and AVs adoption
MIRRI , (Slovakia) (TBC)

Smart Mobility National Project in Slovakia, incl. AVs adoption
Peter Varga , MBA,MSc., Director General, Section of road traffic and roads, Ministry of Transport and Construction of Slovak Republic (Slovakia)

Connected and automated multimodal mobility
KEYNOTE / Geert van der Linden, Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport, Sustainable & Intelligent Transport Unit (Belgium)

05,00 p.m. - 06,00 p.m.PANEL DISCUSSION Support of Avs development by EU and Slovakia

06,00 p.m.Culture music minutes

06,30 p.m.SUMMIT conclussion

1.deň summitu

Štvrtok , 09.12.2021

08,00 a.m. - 09,00 a.m.Registrácia účastníkov na AVs summit

09,00 a.m. - 09,15 a.m.Slávnostné otvorenie summitu otvorenie summitu


Doc. RNDr. Ladislav Miko, Ph.D., Vedúci Zastúpenia Európskej komisie na Slovensku

Úvodné príhovory prvého dňa

Peter Varga, MBA, MSc., Generálny riaditeľ Sekcie cestnej premávky a pozemných komunikácií Ministerstva dopravy SR

Ing. Pavel Élesztős, PhD.

09,15 a.m.- 09,25 a.mÚvodná summit motivačná prednáška

Cesta k autonómii
Ing. Peter Ťapák, PhD., vedecký pracovník STUBA Bratislava (Slovensko)

09,25 a.m.- 10,25 a.mPANEL Hlavné výzvy vývoja AV


Hlavné výzvy vývoja AI AVs
Dr. Augie Widyotriatmo, Instrumentation and Control Research Group, Fakulta priemyselnej technológie, Institut Teknologi Bandung, (Indonézia)

Umelé vedomie verzus umelé povedomie, preteky sa nekončili!
Faramarz Oweissi, nezávislý individual, technický autor, vizionár pre IoT2.0; Šanghaj, (Čína)

Praktické skúsenosti Baidu Apollo so službami Robotaxi v čínskych mestách
KEYNOTE Yingzhao LI, Projekt Manažér riadenia prevádzky autonómnej jazdy Baidu (Čína)
*** Tento prejav patrí čiastočne k téme Panela PANEL Autonomná mobilita v mestách, ale kvôli časovému pásmu v Pekingu musíme panel zaradiť do panelu Hlavné výzvy vývoja AI AVs

10,25 a.m.- 10,40 a.mPANELOVÁ DISKUSIA Hlavné výzvy vývoja AV

Moderátor: Faramarz Oweissi, nezávislý individual, technický autor, vizionár pre IoT2.0; Šanghaj, (Čína)

10,40 a.m. - 10,55 a.m. Coffee break /B2matching /SLIDO rooms communictions with culture minutes (music)

10,55 a.m. - 11,45 a.m.PANEL Simulácia, testovanie a testovanie autonómnych áut


Simulácia autonómnych áut
Ing. Pavel Élesztős, PhD., TEN SLOVAKIA

Testovanie Connected Transport na súkromných, hyper hustých sieťach malých buniek
Peter Stoker, hlavný inžinier - Connected & Autonomous Vehicle, UTAC, Millbrook (UK)

Vylepšená detekcia nebezpečenstva prostredníctvom školenia a testovania na hraničných scenároch dRISK
Chess Stetson, CEO a zakladateľ dRisk, Londýn (UK)

Kiran Jesudasan, Špecialista na dopravné systémy, dRisk, Londýn (UK)

11,45 a.m. - 12,00 p.m.PANELOVÁ DISKUSIA Simulácia autonómnych áut, testovanie, skúšky

12,00 p.m. - 12,30 p.m.PANEL 5G pre bezpečnosť AV


Zažite krásny zajtrajšok s technológiou Cellular V2X
KEYNOTE Jakub Borkowski, Business development director CEE&Nordic Huawei Technologies (Čína/Poľsko)

12,30 p.m.- 12,45 p.m.PANELOVÁ DISKUSIA 5G pre bezpečnosť AV

Moderator: Jakub Borkowski, Business development director CEE&Nordic Huawei Technologies (Čína/Poľsko)

12,45 p.m. - 01,30 p.m.OBEDNÁ PRESTÁVKA

01,30 p.m. - 02,45 p.m.PANEL Autonómna mobilita v mestách


Inteligentné vozidlá potrebujú inteligentné mestá / Inteligentný priestor pre „všadeprítomné“ autá
Dr. Ing. Ján Vaščák, Katedra kybernetiky a umelej inteligencie Technická univerzita v Košiciach (Slovensko)

Smerom k integrácii kyvadlovej dopravy AV na požiadanie do verejnej dopravy v kontexte inteligentného mesta
KEYNOTE / Raivo Sell, profesor robotiky, programový manažér vývoja produktov a robotiky, Technická univerzita v Talline (TalTech), (Estónsko)

Autonómne vozidlá na poslednú míľu a dodávky na požiadanie
Berry Leung, Teksbotics (Hong Kong)

Brownfieldy dopravnej siete
Mgr. art. Martin Uhrík PhD., Ateliér Data[LAB], Ústav ekologickej a experimentálnej architektúry, Fakulta architektúry a dizajnu STU v Bratislave (Slovensko)

02,45 p.m. - 03,00 p.m.PANELOVÁ DISKUSIA Autonómna mobilita v mestách

03,00 p.m. - 03,15 p.m.PANEL Coffee break /B2Bmatching /SLIDO rooms communictions with culture minutes (music)

03,15 p.m. - 04,00 p.m.PANEL AVs Pravidlá & Legislatíva / Legislatíva o bezpilotných vozidlách bude pokračovať v prijímaní AV


Legislatíva sťažuje prijatie AV
Mgr. Ivan Kisely, Senior Associate, Corporate and Regulation specialist, Bird & Bird sro, Bratislava (Slovensko)

Predpisy AI v autonómnych vozidlách
Ivana Budinská, II SAV Bratislava (Slovensko)

Dopravné značky a dopravné zariadenia z pohľadu autonómneho vozidla
Jozef Drahovský, dopravný analytik a IT špecialista

04,00 p.m. - 04,15 p.m.PANELOVÁ DISKUSIA Pravidlá a legislatíva AVs / Legislatíva o bezpilotných vozidlách, ktorá bude pokračovať v prijímaní AV

04,15 p.m. - 05,25 p.m.PANEL AVS viac aplikácií: autonomné drony, vlaky, električky, nákl. autá



Testovanie vlaku bez rušňovodiča v Českej republike ako ďalší významný krok smerom k vývoju plne interoperabilného systému automatickej prevádzky vlakov GoA4
Peter Gurník, Ing., Dodávateľ vlakového zabezpečovacieho a zabezpečovacieho zariadenia, AŽD Praha s.r.o. (Česká republika)

Vlaky bez vodiča budú jazdiť po Európe


Koordinované skupiny UAV pre rôzne aplikácie
Ivana Budinská, II SAV Bratislava (Slovensko)

Priemyselné drony a ich praktické využitie
František Kudlačák, KudAtech s.r.o. (Slovensko)

Špecifiká a aplikácie autonómnych dronov
Lukáš Palkovič, CEO Airvolute, Trnava (Slovensko)

Autonómne vozidlá v poľnohospodárstve (časť I)
doc. Ing. Vladimír Cviklovič, PhD., Katedra elektrotechniky, automatizácie a informatiky, Technická fakulta, Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita.

Výskum a vývoj autonómnych mobilných robotov v poľnohospodárstve AVS v poľnohospodárstve (časť II) : Kontrola zraku autonómneho mobilného robota v sadoch
Ing. Ladislav Tóth, PhD., Katedra elektrotechniky, automatizácie a informatiky, Technická fakulta, Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita (Slovensko)

05,25 p.m. - 06,00 p.m.PANELOVÁ DISKUSIAAVS viac aplikácií: autonomné drony, vlaky, električky, nákl. autá

06,00 p.m.Kultúrne hudobné minúty (Koncert)

06,00 p.m.Záver 1. dňa summitu

2.deň summitu

Piatok , 10.12.2021

08,30 a.m. - 09,00 a.m.Registrácia účastníkov na AVs summit

09,00 a.m. - 09,20 a.m.Slávnostné otvorenie 2. dňa summitu

Úvodné príhovory 2. dňa summitu

Mgr. Martin Venhart, PhD., podpredseda Akadémie vied Slovenska

Ing. Pavel Élesztős, PhD.

09,20 a.m. - 10,00 a.m.PANEL Najnovšie inovácie týkajúce sa autonómie v oblasti automobilového priemyslu


Technológia bezdrôtového nabíjania pre autonómne vozidlá
Julia Langen, Entwicklungsingenieurin bei INTIS Integrated Infrastructure Solutions GmbH (Nemecko)

Jazda orientovaná na komfort pre autonómne vozidlá
KEYNOTE / Basargan Hakan, Fakulta dopravného inžinierstva a techniky vozidiel, Katedra riadenia dopravy a systémov vozidiel Budapešťská technická a ekonomická univerzita (Maďarsko)

Virtuálne prototypovanie elektromagnetických systémov pre autonómne vozidlá
Michal Mašek, MECAS ESI, technický konzultant (Česká republika)

Pokročilé zdroje elektrickej a tepelnej energie pre autonómne mobilné vozidlá
prof. Ing. Viktor Ferencey, PhD., (autori Stančík, M., Barát M., Vlnka, J., Ferencey, V.) (Slovensko)

10,00 a.m. - 10,15 a.m.PANELOVÁ DISKUSIA Najnovšie inovácie týkajúce sa autonómie v oblasti automobilového priemyslu

10,15 a.m. - 10,30 p.m.Cofee break with culture (music minutes)

10,30 a.m. - 11,00 a.m.PANEL Autonomný región mobility Bratislava (platforma) - rola, úlohy a účastníci


Autonómne vozidlá vo verejnom priestore Bratislavy? (Vplyv prijatia autonómnych vozidiel na mestský verejný priestor v špecifických podmienkach Bratislavy) Odborný team za FAD STU

Časť I.
Ing. arch. Tomáš Hanáček, PhD., Ústav urbanizmu a územného plánovania FAD STU/ Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave (Slovensko)

Časť II.
Ing. arch. Vladimír Hain, PhD., Ústav konštrukcií v architektúre a inžinierskych stavieb FAD STU/ Fakulta architektúry a dizajnu/ Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave (Slovensko)

Časť III.
Ing. arch. Katarína Fejo, PhD., Ústav urbanizmu a plánovania/ Fakulta architektúry a dizajnu/ Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave (Slovensko)

Autonómna železničná doprava ako jedna z možností riešenia mobility v Bratislavskom kraji
Ing. arch. Zuzana Ladzianska, PhD.Katedra územného plánovania / Ústav manažmentu / Slovenská technická univerzita (Slovensko)

11,00 a.m. - 11,15 a.m.PANELOVÁ DISKUSIA Autonomný región mobility Bratislava (platforma) - rola, úlohy a účastníci

Moderátor: Ing. arch. Tomáš Hanáček, PhD., Ústav konštrukcií v architektúre a inžinierskych budovách

11,15 a.m. - 12,15 p.m.PANELVplyv autonómnych vozidiel


Sociálno-ekonomický vplyv autonómnych vozidiel
Eshan M. Herath, hlavný inžinier, Veritas Autonomous (Pvt.) Ltd., Colombo (Srí Lanka)

Autonómne vozidlá a strieborná ekonomika (stiahnuť)
RNDr. Viliam Pálenik, PhD., h.doc. a kol. , Ústav ekonomického výskumu, Slovenská akadémia vied, Bratislava (Slovensko)

12,15 p.m. - 12,30 p.m.PANELOVÁ DISKUSIA Vplyv autonómnych vozidiel

Moderátor: Eshan M. Herath, Chief engineer, Veritas Autonomous (Pvt.) Ltd., Colombo (Sri Lanka)

12,30 p.m. - 01,30 p.m.LUNCH BREAK

01,30 p.m. - 02,30 p.m.PANEL Mobilita v mestách - najlepšie skúsenosti


Nasadenie autonómnych vozidiel na zemi a vo vzduchu naprieč Škandináviou – 3 roky praktických skúseností v Holo
KEYNOTE / Christian Bering Pedersen, generálny riaditeľ spoločnosti Holo (Dánsko)

Autonómne vozidlá ako súčasť siete verejnej dopravy v Európe
Lars Gunnar Lundestad, Programový manažér - Ruter Autonomous Vehicles Program (Ruter Oslo) (Nórsko)

02,30 p.m. - 03,00 p.m.PANELOVÁ DISKUSIA Mobilita v mestách - najlepšie skúsenosti

03,00 p.m. - 03,15 p.m.Coffee break /AVs matching with culture minutes (music)

03,15 p.m. - 05,00 p.m.PANEL Podpora rozvoja autonómnych vozidiel zo strany EÚ a Slovenska


Slovenská politika podpory výskumu, vývoja, inovácií a zavádzania AV technológií
MIRRI , (Slovensko) (TBC)

Národný projekt Smart Mobility na Slovensku vrátane adopcie autonómnych vozidiel
Peter Varga, MBA,MSc., Generálny riaditeľ Sekcie cestnej premávky a pozemných komunikácií Ministerstva dopravy a výstavby SR (Slovensko)

Prepojená a automatizovaná multimodálna mobilita
KEYNOTE / Geert van der Linden, Generálne riaditeľstvo pre mobilitu a dopravu, Jednotka udržateľnej a inteligentnej dopravy (Belgicko)

05,00 p.m. - 06,00 p.m.PANELOVÁ DISKUSIA Podpora rozvoja autonómnych vozidiel zo strany EÚ a Slovenska

06,00 p.m.Kultúrne hudobné minúty

06,30 p.m.Záver summitu

About us

Organizer of event, J.C.Trade Bridge International s.r.o. Bratislava (Slovakia), was founded in the year 2000 and has many years experience in organizing of events in frame of range of cross-border cooperation projects SK-HU-A-PL , that were succesfully realized. In the last three years, besides other activities, company worked out for Future Proof by preparation, starting up and development of succesfull Techsummit events.

Main Supporters


Media Partners

CIO Applications Europe has fast culminated into the most sought after magazine Pan-Europe as it has transformed its course hand-in-hand with the technology and has culminated into a leading media brand, with a unique editorial focus on bringing to light the core innovations in technology.CIO Applications Europe magazine stands out with its unique approach of learning from peers approach offering professionals the most comprehensive collection of technology trends. The magazine is the single most successful initiative Pan-Europe to advice and guide decision-makers regarding the latest in the fast-evolving technology landscape. We are determined to propose a myriad of additional services that can improve businesses and help customers deal with issues related to this industry.

Welcome to Bratislava


Autonomous Vehicles Summit Slovakia (hybrid format conference)

May, 2023


Autonomous Vehicles Summit Slovakia (online workshop)

Autumn 2024

Founder & Organizer

J.C.Trade Bridge International s.r.o., Hrobakova 26, 851 02 Bratislava

PHONE +421 903 447 629

E-MAIL info@autonomousvehiclessummit.eu

Official company number (IČO) 35787848